China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康

China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康,總而言之,它的評價很高

我覺得它的CP值高到破錶了呀,在這幫大家整理出來 ,給小雅看她也說這售價真的蠻合理的。

推薦大家一本商業理財China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康全書的內容大意

特惠價搶購 China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康曾在博客來網路書店造成搶購熱潮。




China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康 好書推薦 博客來網路書店歡迎您


China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the imperial powers—principally Britain, the United States, Russia, France, Germany and Japan—signed treaties with China to secure trading, residence and other rights in cities on the coast, along important rivers, and in remote places further inland. The largest of them—the great treaty ports of Shanghai and Tientsin—became modern cities of international importance, centres of cultural exchange and safe havens for Chinese who sought to subvert the Qing government. They are also lasting symbols of the uninvited and often violent incursions by foreign powers during China’s century of weakness. The extraterritorial privileges that underpinned the treaty ports were abolished in 1943—a time when much of the treaty port world was under Japanese occupation.
China’s Foreign Places provides a historical account of the hundred or more major foreign settlements that appeared in China during the period 1840 to 1943. Most of the entries are about treaty ports, large and small, but the book also includes colonies, leased territories, resorts and illicit centres of trade. Information has been drawn from a wide range of sources and entries are arranged alphabetically with extensive illustrations and maps. China’s Foreign Places is both a unique work of reference, essential for scholars of this period and travellers to modern China. It is also a fascinating account of the people, institutions and businesses that inhabited China’s treaty port world.


China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:香港大學出版社    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2015/05/23
  • 語言:英文

China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康 評比 博客來網路書局

China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康

China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康推薦,China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康討論China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康比較評比,China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康開箱文,China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康部落客
China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康
那裡買,China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康價格,China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康特賣會,China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康評比,China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康部落客 推薦


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China’s Foreign Places:The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era,1840-1943博客來好書會員好康


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